Home Warranty Companies With Roof Coverage

Are you a homeowner and worried about the condition of your roof? This is not time to worry because this article answers your worries. We are going to show you the secret behind home warranty roof coverage. Of course, most vital elements in your house are normally covered under home insurance policies. However, this is different with your roof. In most cases, the roof is not included in this home warranty coverage. Nevertheless, worry not because there are some providers with home warranty roof coverage services.

Note that in these policies, roof coverage services are normally provided as an add-on feature that requires you to pay extra charges when signing up. This means you can get it even when you are in the middle of the warranty.

However, the coverage has a lot of exclusions and limitations. So, when subscribing, you need to go through the contract keenly. Read and understand every clause of the contract. Make sure you ask anything you don’t understand. In the section below, we highlight all the features of home warranty roof coverage. We’ll also answer most of the burning questions customers have about the same.

The 12 Best Home Warranty Companies

  1. Landmark Home Warranty
  2. American Home Shield
  3. Choice Home Warranty
  4. Select Home Warranty
  5. Liberty Home Guard
  6. Total Home Protection
  7. Cinch Home Services
  8. Complete Care Home Warranty
  9. 2-10 Home Buyers Warranty
  10. AFC Home Club
  11. Old Republic Home Warranty
  12. First American Home Warranty

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Do Home Warranties Cover Roofs

Most house warranty providers exclude roof coverage. Fortunately, roof coverage is available from a few leading home warranty providers. The following are some of the roof covering options you can find in the market.

1. Select Home Warranty

If you are looking for a warranty provider for your roof leakage, then Select Home Warranty is an option. Select Home Warranty offers both roof leakage coverage and a free add-on. It is the only provider with a free add-on. The roof leaks are fully covered by the warranty.

However, the leak area should be over the area of a single-family home. Beyond there the warranty will not work for you. Yes, it has some roof coverage but there are several exclusions from Select’s sample contract. They include patios, metal roofs, shingles replacement, and tiles. Also, tar and gravel, flat roofs, gutters, downspouts, attic vents, and chimney components.

Selects is not different from other home warranty companies. It will cover either partial or complete replacement of your roof. So, if you have some interest in their services, you can request a quotation online. Also, you can reach out to them by giving them a call via 888-370-3956. They have reliable customer service that will definitely answer your queries. Remember to read through the warranty carefully before you sign it.

2. Choice Home Warranty

Choice Home Warranty is another option that provides a roof leakage add-on. It is normally an optional choice for you on all other home features. This means you will only get it as an add-on. Unlike Select Home Warranty which is free, Choice Home is not. You will have to part with $70 payable yearly or $5.83 monthly pay. If you are planning of getting one, the yearly option can be good for you.

It is more costly than the Select Home Warranty but it is worth getting. Choice’s roof leakage coverage has a more comprehensive coverage compared to Select’s. There are several features that the contract covers which include repair of shake. Others that make it to the list are shingle and composition of roof leaks over the occupied living area.

Choice Home Warranty also has some services excluded. Some of these include porches, patios, cracked materials, and missing materials. Others include foam, tar, gravel roofs, Masonite shingles, and flat roofs. Also, gutters, skylights, and decks make the list. The list excluded from the material is big. So, you must be careful before signing the contract. You will also find that solar equipment and chimneys are not included in the warranty.

There are two options to enjoy Choice Home Warranty services. One, you can get a quotation online on the Choice Home Warranty website. You can also call customer service via 929-400-6165 to get the quote.

3. The Home Service Club

Another good roof coverage warranty is The Home Service Club. The roof protection offered by The Home Service Club is similar to Choose Home Warranty. The only difference is that The Home Service Club services are more generous. The warranty protects your roof from leaks caused by wear and tear.

Just like the other two, there are exclusions such as broken shingles or structural damage. You will not get covered in case you face damages on those two. Additionally, The Home Service Club does not replace your roof in case of damage.

The Home Service Club has a limit of up to $1,000 coverage limit. To many, this is a better overall coverage because you can cover several features of your roof. This makes it a better choice for those who want to protect their roof. If you want to get a quote then reach out on their website. Alternatively, you can call customer care at 800-842-9334.

How To Maintain Your Roof

It is clear that home warranty companies do not provide comprehensive roof protection. Mostly, they will provide isolated leaks on your roof. This calls for your intervention to make sure that you do not incur high costs on roof replacement.

To ensure you achieve that you need to take all preventive measures to attain your goal. Here are some ways you can ensure your roof serves you for a long period of time. Thus you won’t have to spend a lot on roof repairs not covered by the warranty.

Gutter care

Gutters play a very important role in roof protection against rainfall. To better maintain the roof, you need to make sure that they are in good working condition. Most experts recommend that you clean the gutters at least twice a year. This will make sure that there are no clogged materials in them. A lot of materials clogs on the gutters preventing the easy flow of the waters.

Items like leaves, pine needles, and dirt clog on the gutters exposing them to damage by rainwater. It can also lead to downspouts and shingles damage. So, make sure that you maintain your gutters and you will be on the safer side.

Trim tree branches

Having trees surrounding your home gives the home a beautiful picture. But you need to examine your yard to monitor any of the branches or trees that may be hanging above the roof. These branches are dangerous especially during storms or heavy rains. This is because they can fall on your roof causing heavy damage to your roof. Also, the branches are dangerous even to other things around your home. So you need to trim the trees to make sure you maintain them in a safer condition.

Cleaning your roof

Roofs are always prone to many objects from your outdoors and your home interiors. When these objects fall on the roof are subject to moss and mold building upon them. This build-up of moss can cause a lot of damage to your roof. It does so by weakening the roof. You now know that roof replacement is so expensive. Also, most of the warranty providers do not cover everything for roof replacement.

Insulate or Ventilate

Ventilating or insulating your roof makes it serve you for a long time. This will save you from incurring extra charges on repairs. Insulation prevents extra moisture that can lead to the rotting of your roof. You need to make sure that you inspect the attic to ensure you have the right amount of insulation. Insulation will help you to prevent a lot of expenses that come because of roof repair. Make sure you look for good insulation. It will make you save a lot of money.

Prevent Ice Dams

Roofs are normally susceptible to ice dams after a heavy downpour. After the heavy downpour, that is when the menace starts. The roof will definitely warm because of the warm air coming from the attic. Then the rivulets will freeze upon reaching colder regions of the roof. When the ice starts melting, the water gets trapped on the roofs.

Because the atmosphere is humid, there is no room for evaporation. This leads to water seeping into the roof and ceiling which leads to roof leakage. This will automatically destroy the roof. So, you need to devise a mechanism for preventing ice dams from forming.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Does American Home Shield cover roofs?

Yes, American Home Shield covers roofs that are leaking. These are only for normal wear and tear. Note, the tear covered should meet the policies by American Home Shield. It is only under situations where the cause is due to poor maintenance.

Also, if the installation was improperly done, they will cover it. Their installation fee accumulates up to $1,500 in a whole year. Also, it only covers single-family homes. An advantage of American Home Shield is it covers a lot of roofs though there are still some inclusions.

Will your homeowners’ insurance pay for a new roof?

Yes. However, there are conditions set in place to make sure that the insurance works. In most cases, homeowners’ insurance policies cover roof replacement. However, under some policies set by the companies. You will only receive roof compensation if it got damaged due to an act of nature.

Another condition is in case the roof got damaged in an accidental event. But, if you are seeking replacement because of wear and tear, it will be hard. They do not give compensation for normal replacement or repair.

How can I pay for a new roof with no money?

There are several options that you can use to pay for your roof in case you do not have money. You can explore which is better for you and have your new roof paid for even when you do not have money. You can decide to use payment plans that allow you to pay after a specific period of time. You need to make arrangements on how you will be making your payments.

Note the monthly payments depend on the cost of the repair or the new roof cost. Other methods include financing through the contractor and paying using credit cards. You can also use home equity loans, and cash-out financing. All these are methods that you can use to pay for your roof even when you do not have money. So, you can now install a new roof if you explore these methods.

How can I get a new roof without paying the deductible?

 Getting waive replacement deductibles to get a free roof is a longstanding activity. It is actually available in most of the states across the country. If your roof is damaged and you need to get a new one without paying the deductible, consider hiring a company to work with an insurance agent. Note that: you should avoid roofing contractor that wants to waive roofing replacement deductible for you.


You may see any warranty on your home roof coverage so much appealing. This is because such services are not common in the country. But you need to read and make sure that you understand all the terms and conditions carefully. This will help you in the future.

For example, in case of any setbacks, you will be able to know the best way that you need to take. All the companies that give roof warranty have elaborate terms of their contracts. They will define the materials that they cover, the area of coverage, and the type of breakdown. They will also give you the conditions in which they repair or replace your damaged roof.

In most cases, the roof warrants cover leaks due to rain or normal wear and tear. Your warranty will never cover cracked or missing materials. Also, home roof warrants do not cover structural leaks, penetration, or roof replacement.

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