Credit cards have revolutionized the way people conduct their day-to-day business. As we speak, you can use the card to buy goods and services from your favorite store, pay bills and get rewards points for all your purchases. In addition, these cards have proved to be a safer way of carrying money whenever you want to buy different goods and services out there. Synchrony card is one of the credit cards that can help you achieve the benefits mentioned above. In this article, we shall take a closer look at where one can use the Synchrony card and other related ideas:
Who Issues Synchrony Cards?
Before we discuss where you can utilize the above-mentioned card, it is important that you know who issues it in the first place. This card is usually issued by Synchrony Bank. Formerly, this bank was known as GE Capital Retail Bank. This bank is insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) and is based in Utah. When it comes to consumer financial services, this bank has taken the lead for more than 85 years. It is known to offer a wide range of financial options to all its customers.
It also works hand-in-hand with reputable brands such as eBay, Amazon, Lowe, Chevron and Walmart. In most cases, Synchrony bank offers 3 main financing solutions that include: retail credit cards, promotional financing for major consumer purchase, and Carecredit for healthcare-related financing. Besides this, it offers FDIC-insured savings products and so much more.
As we speak, Synchrony is the largest issuer of private label credit cards in America. To put it into perspective, it has over 120 store-branded cards and credit cards. If you are a member, you can apply for a Synchrony credit card and start enjoying all the benefits that come with this card.
What Are The Benefits Of Having A Synchrony Card?
If you have a Synchrony card, be sure that you will enjoy a number of benefits. These include:
1. Makes payment of bills easy
When it comes to payment of monthly bills, be sure that you will have an easy time using the Synchrony card. All you need to do is to ensure that your credit card is loaded and you will be good to go. From water bills to electricity bills, be sure that you will be able to pay your bills seamlessly.
2. Allows you to make payments online
Unlike other cards, this one also allows you to make online payments. This makes it more convenient for those who want to make these payments from the comfort of their homes.
3. No need to carry cash in bulk any time you want to make purchases
Gone and never to come are the days when people used to carry cash in bulk in order to purchase different goods and services out there. Nowadays, with a credit card such as a Synchrony card, be sure that you will not need to carry money in cash. As long as your card is loaded, you can use it to purchase goods from your nearest store. This card can also be used to shop online on stores such as Amazon, Walmart, and eBay.
4. Allows you to enjoy credit card rewards
The good news is that Synchrony card allows you to enjoy credit card rewards such as cashbacks for all the purchases you make. The more you purchase, the higher the cashback rewards. This will go a long way in enabling you to save more bucks on all your purchases.
Besides this, you will earn points for all the purchases that you make. If you are consistent with your spendings, you will be able to get many points. For optimal results, you can let these points accumulate and later redeem them. By doing so, you will save more on all your purchases.
5. Helps you to track your expenses
Although using cash is a good idea, sometimes, it may be difficult for you to track all your expenses. Unless you have a shopping list, you may not be able to account for every penny you have spent.
However, if you have a Synchrony card, be sure that you will keep track of all your expenses. After all, you can always request for a bank statement anytime you please. This goes a long way in enabling you to budget your money wisely.
6. Helps increase your credit score
Although you may have had a fair credit score when applying for a Synchrony credit card, it is important to note that your credit score can increase if you make payments in good time. As long as you are consistent and timely, your credit score may rise from 640 and rise to 700 and above. This can greatly increase your chances of getting loans from other banks and other financial lending institutions.
Where Can I Utilize My Synchrony Card?
Unlike other cards, this one can be used in a number of stores such as Amazon, Walmart, 1800Matress, 4 Wheel Parts, ABT Electronics, Jennifer Furniture, JCPenney, Mahindra, eBay, and so forth.
The card is also integrated with all of the Sam’s Club channels. Finally, the card can be used in restaurants, gas stations, and retail shops that accept Visa or MasterCards. If your card has a MasterCard, Visa, American Express, or Discover logo, be sure that you can use it anywhere.
Are Synchrony credit cards hard to get?
Not really. Synchrony store credit cards are very easy to obtain. All you need to do is to apply for this card, and you will get it within a few days. However, you need to have at least a fair credit score, which ranges from 640 to 699. However, there are some users who got approved with credit scores as low as 600.
What gas stations can I use my Synchrony card at?
As we speak, you can now use a Discount Tire credit card at any of the 200000 gas stations and repair shops that are affiliated with the Synchrony Car Care Network. Some of the affiliated brands that you should look out for include; Mobil, Exxon, BP, Chevron, Shell, and many more.
Does Synchrony forgive?
Although most Synchrony bank’s credit cards are meant for people with good or fair credit, this bank does not forgive or spare anyone with bad credit. If you are bankrupt, you will not be able to be approved to get a credit card unless your bankruptcy is discharged. Better still, your credit score has to improve to at least 640 so that you can be eligible to get this card.
What can I use my Synchrony CareCredit card for?
First and foremost, it is imperative to note that Synchrony CareCredit card is accepted by over 225000 providers in US. Here you can use the card to enjoy services such as Cosmetic and dermatology procedures, LASIK and vision care services, veterinary services, hearing care services, and so much more. Besides this, the card is also accepted in all selected retail locations. Therefore, you can use it for shopping among other undertakings.
Is Synchrony a safe bank?
Yes. Since this bank is insured by FDIC, be sure that your funds will be safe in case of any eventuality. However, this insurance company protects your money up to $250,000 per depositor.
Final Words
You can now apply for a Synchrony card today and be able to pay your bills online, make purchases at different stores, get cash rewards and other benefits. Since this card works with a number of retail stores, be sure that you will enjoy a lot of convenience. Also, you will not have to carry money in bulk anytime you want to shop. If you have a low credit, you may have to work on your credit first before applying for this card. Apply for this card today, and you will not regret it.